Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thing #1 - Lifelong Learning...

  • Which habit(s) may be most challenging for you to employ as part of your Learning 2.0 experience?

The most challenging habit for me will probably be using technology to my advantage. As much as I would like to think that I up to par with advances in technology, I am obviously a little more behind than I had originally thought. This is exactly why I am taking this course, though! I have no problems asking questions and trying to find the answer, so I just need to commit to using technology to my advantage and not let it frustrate me!
I also will need to remember to view problems as challenges. I have to admit that frustration has really been the name of the game with me, especially this past year in my own classroom. I felt that every time I tried to incorporate technology and bring the laptops into the classroom, I dealt with more problems and headaches than anything (the kids were pretty frustrated as well). My goal is to find ways for technology to make our work more effective, efficient, and engaging instead of shaking my head and walking away. :)

  • Which habit(s) will be easiest, or are most resonant for you as a lifelong learner?

    I believe it will be easiest for me accept responsibility for my own learning. As a lifelong learner, I must have the desire, passion, and dedication to continue to better myself and absorb knowledge. Without that, I cannot teach and engage my students in a way that will make them successful in life. With an online, self-paced course, it can be easy to procrastinate, but I know that I will only take away from this course that which I am willing to put into it. As long as my objective is to do my best and LEARN things that I can incorporate into my own classroom, I will stay focused.
  • Which habit do you think will be most important for you as you work through this course, and why?

    The most important thing for me to remember as I work through this course is to have confidence in myself so that I can teach and mentor others. I have a tendency to feel a confidence in front of my students that sometimes eludes me in the company of colleagues and peers. I need to remember that as I learn, I am bound to come across questions and issues that others share and they may be able to benefit from my input.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome aboard 23 Things!!!! I look forward to getting to know you better via your Blog. Nice post, by the way!


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