Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thing #6 - To blog or not to blog?

How appropriate that one of the first articles in my Google Reader this morning was titled, "How to Start an Amazing Class Blog", considering I was pondering this very issue in my Thing #4 post! I really do love that I now have this wealth of information at my fingertips that I can organize into one place. I am sure that the more blogs I follow, the more intimidating the Reader can become (if I allow it), but for now it is exactly what I need!

One thing that really stood out to me in this article is the fact that they address the issue I think most of us are struggling with... how do I find time to make a class blog work with everything else I have to do? According to the writers at LearnBoost, for all the reasons you can come up with NOT to start a class blog, it is for those very same reasons that you SHOULD! By putting more and more of the administrative tasks online, it allows me as a teacher to spend more time engaging my students, connecting with parents, and creating meaningful lessons. Sure, there is a learning curve, but if I can overcome that then blogging can only help me!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have loaded your Reader with good Blog sites. I am always filling mine with too many, and never having time to read them all.


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