Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thing #7 - Questions? Comments? Anyone?

As an avid personal blogger, logging into my dashboard and finding new comments just makes my day! To me, it shows that people not only read what I have to say, but sometimes it resonates enough with them to speak their piece in response. Blogging is about building an online community, and "neighbors" talk to each other. Commenting on each other's blogs is just another form of collaborating with peers and colleagues, which is a very important part of growing and learning!

I also HAVE to share the post I came across while commenting on a few blogs. If you don't follow CoolCatTeacher's blog, go there NOW! She has great posts and her post on 10 Ways to be Terrible Teacher is a great reminder for us all. Some of the "ways" may be hard for you to hear, but they are all TRUTH!!

1 comment:

  1. I love Coolcat!!!! Hopefully, other participants will start following you-you truly have fantastic posts.


Your comments make my day!