Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thing #2 - Why Web 2.0?

As a new (and relatively young??) teacher, I have all these hopes and dreams of a dynamic classroom that uses technology to engage students. Yet as I reflect on this past year (my first year of teaching), I see that in many ways I am far behind on the technology train concerning my classroom. Personally, I use a smartphone to do MOST of my social interaction (including texting, facebook, twitter, and instagram). I have a family blog that I enjoying sharing recipes and photos to, and I also use Google Reader to follow other blogs of similar interest. I KNOW that I have the potential to use technology in my classroom in a similar way, and my goal throughout this course it to do just that... find ways to engage my kids and figure out the most effective way to IMPLEMENT it in my classroom THIS FALL.
Reading the article by Warlick made me feel like my own classroom environment is archaic! Whether teachers are ready to jump on the wagon or not, technology continues to grow at a rapid rate. Our kids grow right along with it, and in order to give them the opportunities they need, I need to be a learner on my own. I need to commit to do the research, the extra work, and the extra planning it will take to flip my classroom into the tech-savvy place it should be in 2012. :) I know it will be a journey that takes patience and determination, but it should be a fun one!

1 comment:

  1. We are ALL always behind on technology. It is inevitable! This class is definitely a start to bridging the gap. Hope you learn some new things for your classroom.


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