Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Thing #7a

I am definitely a Pinterest enthusiast (that's the nice way that I like to put it - although my husband would argue "obsessive" better describes my Pinterest habit). So when I came across another one of Vickey Davis' amazing posts in my reader titled, Pinterest Resources for Educators, my heart did a little happy dance. :) I have mostly used Pinterest for home decor inspiration, recipe ideas, and photography ideas in the past, but I was missing out on a whole other side to this site! Through her post, I was directed to other Pinterest lovers who pin educational blogs, resources, and even lesson plans that I could browse through! Love it!


  1. Enthusiast, huh??? I may have to "borrow" that adjective. I am usually just called an "addict." When you have to set a timer, I think addict is more fitting for me.

  2. I LOVE say the least. I can not wait to use some of the ideas I have found in my classroom this year!

  3. Hey Yvonne,
    Thank you for sharing Vicky's post it looks like great material. I have been interested in getting on board with pinterest for a while now but, just haven't gotten around to it. After looking over your wiki and blogs I'm sold and getting on ASAP! Hope you're enjoying yourself this summer!


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