Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Thing #16 - LibraryThing

I have always intended to catalog my seemingly endless collection of books. In fact, it is even one of the things on my 30 before 30 list to accomplish! While I have the best of intentions, short of creating an Excel worksheet, I wasn't quite sure how to approach such a daunting task. It appears that LibraryThing is the answer to that question! It was very easy to get signed up and even easier to search by author, title, or ISBN number and simply click on the link to add it to my collection! I only added about 5 books just to start with, and it immediately gave me recommendations to other books I might enjoy. This will be a valuable tool when I want to give students new reading suggestions based on books THEY enjoy!

While it will still be a labor intensive project to get ALL of my books cataloged (I am sure many other language arts teachers will have this same problem - SO MANY BOOKS!), at least I now have a resource to make the task quicker and more efficient (plus easy to update)!

1 comment:

  1. check out i heard about it at a workshop i went to. the site organizes books almost like a library catalog and you can even get an app that will allow you to scan the barcode of your book and enter it into your collection. When i heard about it, i almost wished i had my classroom library back just so i could check it out!


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